CADinTools Macros for CorelDraw

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CADinTools - Macros for CorelDraw
cadintools toolbar icon language 



Macro to Move objects and nodes

  • Apply to Shapes : Move all selected shapes to X,Y.
  • Apply to Nodes : Move all selected nodes to X,Y (Relative Movement). <Example of Move Nodes>
  • Apply to Rotation Point : Move the Rotation Point of all selected shapes to X,Y.
  • Isometric direction of X,Y: Orthogonal, Left, Right and Center. (Default = Orthogonal, angle = 0º)
  • X, Y :
    • Relative Position (Offset): is the distance to move.
    • Absolute Position (from 0,0): is the Absolute Position desired for the active selection.



Macro to Rotate objects and nodes

  • Rotation: Angle or rotation (degrees).
  • Apply to Shapes : Rotate all selected shapes around X,Y.
  • Apply to Nodes : Rotate all selected nodes around X,Y.
  • Apply to Each Shape (Only for Relative Position):
    • (Default): Rotate the whole selection.
    • Each Shape is rotated around its own Reference Position.
  • Polar movement:
  • Isometric direction of X,Y: Orthogonal, Left, Right and Center. (Default = Orthogonal, angle = 0º)
  • X, Y :
    • Relative Position (Offset): is the offset to the "center of rotation", measured from the Reference Point of the active selection. After you Press [Rotate], Relative Position is toggled to Absolute Position.
    • Absolute Position (from 0,0): is the Absolute Position of the "center of rotation" of the active selection.



Macro to Stretch objects

  • Width/Height : Size (Negative values are also accepted)
  • Apply to Each Shape (Only for Relative Position):
  • Isometric direction of X,Y: Orthogonal, Left, Right and Center. (Default = Orthogonal, angle = 0º)
  • X, Y :
    • Relative Position (Offset): is the offset to the "center of stretch", measured from the Reference Point of the active selection.
    • Absolute Position (from 0,0): is the Absolute Position of the "center of stretch" of the active selection.



Macro to Flip objects

  • , : Horizontal and Vertical mirror.
  • Isometric : Isometric mirror (as seen in the above image), it is available only for the Orthogonal isometric direction .
  • Apply to Each Shape (Only for Relative Position):
    • (Default): Mirror the whole selection.
    • Each Shape is mirrored from its own Reference Position.
  • Mirror Text : (Default=Checked) :  If not Checked, text don't mirror. <Example of Mirror Shapes excluding Texts>
  • Isometric direction of X,Y: Orthogonal, Left, Right and Center. (Default = Orthogonal, angle = 0º)
  • X, Y :
    • Relative Position (Offset): is the offset to the "center of mirror", measured from the Reference Point of the active selection.
    • Absolute Position (from 0,0): is the Absolute Position of the "center of Mirror" of the active selection.



Macro to Skew objects

  • Hº(Degrees) / Vº(Degrees) : angle to skew.
  • Apply to Each Shape (Only for Relative Position):
    • (Default): Skew the whole selection.
    • Each Shape is skewed from its own Reference Position.
  • Isometric direction of X,Y: Orthogonal, Left, Right and Center. (Default = Orthogonal, angle = 0º)
  • X, Y :
    • Relative Position (Offset): is the offset to the "center of Skew", measured from the Reference Point of the active selection.
    • Absolute Position (from 0,0): is the Absolute Position of the "center of Skew" of the active selection.


  • Pick Point : Get the value for X and Y.
    • If "relative Position" is selected: Gets the relative distance (DeltaX,DeltaY) from the reference point of the "active selection" to the clicked position.
    • If "Absolute Position" is selected: Gets X,Y position from the picked point.
    • Note: If you pick over another shape, a window to select the reference point of this shape is shown.
  • Width: X = Width of the active selection. (If "each shape" is selected, the width belongs to the last selected shape)
  • Height: Y = Height of the active selection. (If "each shape" is selected, the height belongs to the last selected shape)
  • Auto Refresh (Checked by default) : Refresh automatically the Absolute position of the active selection. Uncheck to lock an absolute position.
  • Scale : (Checked by default) : Transform using the actual scale.

Note1: The measure unit is the actual unit of the active document.
Note2: You can use formulas in the text boxes ("See the Calculator Tool")
Note3: When you select 2 or more shapes, and you select "Rotation Point" as Reference Position, CADinTools uses the "Rotation Point" of the last selected shape.